Sunday, October 28, 2012

You're My Science Boy

My Dearest David Kenneth Eborda Aguaran,

Hi hal! It's sunday and I really miss you...Uhm.... :).. I'm speechless.. I cannot express my feelings verbally but I hope you can feel it. Honestly I don't know where will I start. I think I've said all the sweet words I can tell through SMS. Hope you like this letter.

I wished to gift you something and wanted to see the

 twinkle in your eye when you received it. I wanted

 to hold you close and tell how much you mean to me, 

I wanted to look into your eyes and see if you really 

cared for me, I wanted to hug you tight and feel 

secured, but then there is this distance between us

 which restricts me from doing all these

It has been a long time since my sense has exchanged messages with my brain to write a letter to you. You are present in all the four chambers of my heart and your warm voice to keep my ear-drum vibrating like a tunning fork. 
I fell in love with you the moment I looked into your eyes, but I was so afraid of letting you in and being hurt again. I’m so glad you didn’t give up. I cannot imagine what my life would be without you.
Your personality attracts me like a centripetal force but the medulla oblongata of my brain compels me to convert this centripetal force in centrifugal force. I revolve around your house like an electron in its orbit. Whenever I see your father a wave of fear having simple harmonic motion passes through my vertebral column and my heartbeats are reduced to one half of the original. At the moment a love covalent bond exist between us but in future I hope it will change into an Ionic bond.
For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, I hope you also love me with the same magnitude of the love that I love you with.

I see couples fight here who stay together and yet not

 realize what they have. I do, because you are far 

from me and only I know that I would be ready to kill

 to just be with you. Just wanted to let you know that 

you are special and not because I love you but 

because you are a special human being, even without 






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