Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mona Lisa's smile

Mona Lisa's smile has repeatedly been a subject of many—greatly varying—interpretations. Some have described the smile as both innocent and inviting. Many researchers have tried to explain why the smile is seen so differently by people. The explanations range from scientific theories about human vision to curious supposition about Mona Lisa's identity and feelings. Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University has argued that the smile is mostly drawn in low spatial frequencies, and so can best be seen from a distance or with one's peripheral vision. Thus, for example, the smile appears more striking when looking at the portrait's eyes than when looking at the mouth itself. Christopher Tyler and Leonid Kontsevich of the Smith-Kettlewell Institute in San Francisco believe that the changing nature of the smile is caused by variable levels of random noise in the human visual system. Dina Goldin, Adjunct Professor at Brown University, has argued that the secret is in the dynamic position of Mona Lisa's facial muscles, where our mind's eye unconsciously extends her smile; the result is an unusual dynamicity to the face that invokes subtle yet strong emotions in the viewer of the painting.
In late 2005, Dutch researchers from the University of Amsterdam ran the painting's image through "emotion recognition" computer software developed in collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The technology demonstration found the smile to be 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, 2% angry, less than 1% neutral, and 0% surprised.
I was really amazed with this theory about Mona Lisa's smile.  This theory made me believe that the painting was the famous painting of all times. For only a smile they are brainstorming and even formulated theories. I was like to laugh about what are the professors and researchers are doing. It's like a waste of time to observe and test the painting's smile.

A talk with a Famous Woman

             "You are my strength when I was weak, You are my voice when I couldn't speak, You are my eyes when I couldn't see, Youu------". I was listening to the radio that Sunday morning seating on a bench when someone just talked to me. I am not really paying attention but suddenly I heard that familiar voice. When I looked at her, I was starstruck with her height and her complexion also with her eyes and beauty. "Can I seat here?" She said. "Uh, Yes... of course" I said. Honestly I can't speak because I am nervous and conscious with my grammar , She's a famous star and a Canadian. "Let's roam in this park" she said. I can't help it but I joined her. She was a very kind personality. "I am the youngest of the 14 siblings" she said. "Oh, really? , I'm the eldest of us 2" I said. "Let's go to a studio and I'll teach you how to sing" she said. "No, I really dunno how to sing" I said. "I'll teach you..Let's go!" 
             On that studio she teach me how to sing with a piano as my guide for the pitch. I've really learn a lot with her. "Let's record our duet" she said. I am really excited to sing with her even though my voice is ugggghhhh........ :))... Then that's what we did.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Siete Pecados Capitales en la Escuela

The 7 Major Sins of Students

            For me the 7 major sins of a student are Coming in school late, Not wearing ID's, Copying of homeworks, Bullying, Changing of the scores, Cheating, and lastly being IRRESPONSIBLE.


              - Those who are the late comers.

              - The SP will take charge of them.


              - Those who are not wearing ID when getting inside the school

              - The teachers will let them inside the classroom but no output for that day.


              - Those who are copying and doing their assignments and homeworks inside the classroom.

               -  1 day suspension 


               - Those who are bullying their classmates or others that are younger than them.

               - The student will have counseling with Sir Tom.


              -Those who are changing their scores from low score to high score.

               -Martial Law (Giving advance exams without teaching them)


              - Those who are cheating while taking an exam. Using coding's or papers with formulas.

              - Counseling with Ma'am Malou


              - Those who are VERY lazy and not doing their task. 

              - The parents of the student will be called and will have a talk with Ma'am de Vera